Dec 8, 2022Myth Busters"If my child doesn't get in, they have no chance of going to grammar school".This week in our myth busters series we'll be looking at the statement: If my child doesn’t get in, they have no chance of going to...
Nov 30, 2022Myth Busters"You need a tutor to pass the 11plus"For this week's #mythbuster we will be looking at the statement: "You need a tutor to pass the 11plus" To pass the eleven plus you...
Nov 24, 2022Myth Busters"You must be getting 85% in practice tests to pass the 11plus"This is a statement often expressed by eleven plus practice materials publishers as guidance to judge how your child is performing. The...
Nov 18, 2022Myth Busters"The best tutors have 95-100% success rates"When it comes to grammar schools, it can sometimes be difficult to know what the facts are. We're starting a Friday #Mythbusters series...